
2021/08/11 空手道、競技運動與奧林匹克價值/從東奧75公斤級KO事件談起

三、時間:2021/8/11 (星期三) PM/18:10-19:10
四、地點:Google meet 線上會議室
第三場暑假運動人文論壇講座,這次主題「空手道、競技運動與奧林匹克價值/從東奧75公斤級KO事件談起,感謝主講人葉明兆副秘書長、與談人彭臺臨主任委員、許立宏教授,以及線上與會者。空手道點到為止的運動競賽哲學,此種尊重與保護對手的運動揚善理念,可避免技擊運動的直接暴力,同時也讓運動展現更美、更善與更多元的特質。如同現代奧運之父古柏坦(Pierre de Coubertin)所言:尊敬你的對手,因為對手是另一個自已,其只是化成當下的對手,與現在的你拼博較競。過去許多技擊運動選手的腦部受到傷害,造成中年以後腦部病變,經年累月的身體傷害,運動的「精彩」與身體的「安全」如何兼得,是值得思考的運動哲學。空手道的運動價值理念,可謂是上乘的人本思維,藉由習武的人生旅程,修練個人的內在修為,也呼應「君子的武術」及「空手無先手」之空手道武學理念。空手道的「寸止」之道,可謂是人類運動文化的昇華,點到為止,互敬與尊重,也是技擊運動至真、至善及至美的呈現。空手道武德與奧林匹克價值的共同點:「更高、更快、更強、尊重與友誼」,個人的「卓越」與人類社會的「和平」,也是兩者彼此間最高終極追求。
In today's forum, We are very honored to invite Duty general secretary/Mr. Yeh to be a invited speaker, both Dr. Peng and Dr. Hsu to be panelists, which share with us about their thoughts on "Karate, Competitive Sport and Olympic Values: the K.O. event of Karate 75 kg men's final in Olympic Games Tokyo 2020". There are quite a few values both Karate and Olympics share in common. In Karate, members have some fundamental values to follow, such as respect, self-discipline, confidence, assertion and aggression. However, a "controlled force" is also a strict rule to follow. The Chinese saying of " Sundome"(the act of stopping a movement just before touching the opponent; "Pinan"(without first attack for the opponent) showcase the value of a controlled force, which means rather than hit the opponent, it would be better to stop right before you hit the opponent. On the other hand, Olympic Values stand for "excellent," "friendship," and "respect." These three values are beyond the games, and the whole Olympic Movement are built around these three values. International Olympic Committee tries to promote these values to more people and advocate a universal participation of sports.